UPDATE 1/20/22: Collier County health officials say the new monoclonal antibody treatment site is open as of Thursday.
The treatment center is at 852 Gulf Shore Blvd North, Naples, FL 34102 Hours are Monday through Sunday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment, visit www.patientportalfl.com or call 239-367-3223.
Our original reporting continues below:
A new monoclonal site is set to open, thanks to the Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services and Emergency Management and the Naples Beach Hotel/Atkins Group. Both groups signed a lease agreement to begin the process.
The Florida Department of Health in Collier will lead the operations and clinical efforts and will assist with working directly with on-site contractors.
The Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services and Emergency Management will continue to monitor and keep a sharp eye on traffic and there other usual operations. The Bureau expects that they may run into a few challenges, but believe they are well positioned to provide a solid level of service with minimal impact to the community.