FORT MYERS, Fla., -- The third annual Day of Joy conference focused on empowering women that found hope after living a life in the sex industry, Saturday. One woman who used to be an exotic dancer is now a motivational speaker, sharing her testimony with others at the conference.
“It was the only way I knew how to make quick money," said Amy Dawes.
Dawes spent eight years working as a dancer, until the day her friend reminded her of the lady dressed in purple.
“She said, ‘Remember the purple lady that comes in and gives us the free gifts and comes in and hugs us and loves on us?”
That woman was Jeanie Turner, Executive Director of One Way Out Ministries. Turner welcomed Dawes into the One Way Out women's shelter and since that day, Dawes says it's changed her life.
"It’s transformed my whole life, I’m a completely different person today than I was four and a half years ago.”
The conference sponsors one organization every year that works to empower women. Yvonne Conte, Director of Day of Joy that was held a First Presbyterian Church in Fort Myers, says she was more than happening to fundraise money for it.
"They help women in a remarkable way to rehabilitate them and get them out of sex trafficking, you know men’s clubs," said Conte. "And give them the tools they need to live a good life.”
Dawes was a first-time speaker at the event and hopes to inspire other women around her.
“I’ve never felt true love like that, ever. And that’s a powerful thing to experience and to have now, and I want every woman on the planet to have that and feel that.”
If you or someone you know would benefit from One Way Out Ministry or you would like to donate or volunteer, call (239) 278-1569. To be involved in the Day of Joy Annual Conference, visit