For the first time in decades, Robert Weston will be able to hear the person on the other end of the phone.
A surgically implanted hearing aid, called a Cochlear implant undid the damage caused to his hearing from years of working with farm equipment.
"It was very exciting that I could hear a lot of things, that I didn't hear," said Weston.
Including his daughters, all of whom live out of town. so when they called, he couldn't hear them.
"I know when he got the Cochlear our youngest daughter heard him for the first time and she said mom I cried afterwards."
And while being able to have a conversation with his daughter's is icing on the cake, he missed out on a lot of social interactions in life that he will now be able to be a part of.
"I just, like I said stayed out of conversations, and I haven't used a phone in all that time," said Robert's wife Peggy.
Peggy is getting a kick out of seeing her husband regain his hearing.
"I have to laugh, because he said the first time he went to the bathroom, he didn't know he made so much noise."
Robert regaining his hearing has brought him joy, and brought his family much closer together.
"To be able to talk to their dad, you could hear the emotion in their voices," said Peggy.
Robert and Peggy are planning a trip to Ohio this summer, where Robert will be able to interact with friends and family for the first time.