It's been almost two months since Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico. Thousands of people displaced by the storm are still streaming into Florida.
Relief centers opened in Orlando and Miami to accommodate them.
"Our relief centers are helping them with jobs, helping them with health care, helping them with education, helping them with housing," said Governor Rick Scott (R-Florida).
It's unclear where many of them will settle, but the head of Collier's Democratic party Yudy Barberra, who has ties to the island, expects some will live in Collier.
"My husband's nephew came from Puerto Rico, he's now in Tampa, but he's looking for work in Collier County."
More than half of Puerto Rico is still without power, and it may take years to rebuild infrastructure, meaning many Puerto Ricans have to start all over in Florida.
"A lot of people have to move here to get 100 percent of the benefits or things they need, in order to get themselves back on their feet," said Barberra.
Governor Scott says the state will be fully reimbursed by FEMA for the cost of taking on Hurricane Maria refugees.