CAPE CORAL, Fla. — Pope Francis made a major announcement saying he supports LGBTQ civil unions, a teaching that is unfamiliar to the Catholic Church.
The pope said “Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God,” and adds, “What we have to have is a civil union law, that way they are legally covered.”
For many in the Catholic Church, this is new, but for those in the LGBTQ community, this comes as a pleasant surprise.
“He calls the church a family and wants everyone to belong to the family. So I think he has a hope that homosexuals or gay, LGBTQ people, will feel that they are at home spiritually in the Catholic Church,” said Reverend C.J. McGregor, minister at All Faiths Unitarian Congregation.
Reverend Mcgregor says this may be exciting news for some, but it could be a challenge for many Catholics around the world.
“I do understand that it is going to be a difficulty in the Catholic Church, as some Catholics adhere to scripture and the old teachings,” said Rev. McGregor.
However, for Elizabeth Cardamone, a Catholic in a same-sex relationship, the pope's announcement is welcoming news.
“It was one of the reasons why I sort of stepped away from the church because the welcoming wasn’t... it didn’t feel welcoming,” said Elizabeth Cardamone.
Cardamone’s partner Danielle Hagmann says the support was a necessary move.
“ I think with the current political climate any person in a position of power who uses their power for good is going to be a benefit to us,” said Daniella Haggman.
Cardamone says she hopes the change will bring communities together.
“Especially when the pope said the LGBTQ community are also gods' children I think that that says a lot,” said Cardamone.