LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Youth Services Unit arrested two students on March 2 for two different incidents that were allegedly targeting the well-being of their schools, according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.
Incident #1
LCSO was alerted of a bomb threat made in the comments on a social media from a student attending Oak Hammock Middle School.
The School Threat Enforcement Team and Youth Services detectives used advanced investigative techniques to identify the student.
Detectives reportedly arrested the 13-year-old female student.
Incident #2
The Bonita Springs High school School Resource Officer with administration searched a student’s backpack after the student was allegedly acting suspicious.
The school said they found a knife in the student’s bag and called the authorities.
The 16-year-old males student was arrested for possession of a weapon on school grounds.
“Whether you make a school threat or bring a weapon on campus, you will go to jail. I have ZERO tolerance. My amazing School Threat Enforcement Team and Youth Services detectives are dedicated to keeping Lee County students and schools safe.”