It's a sequel of screams being unleashed by TV provider USDish.
The company is once again looking for one (un)lucky horror enthusiast to watch 13 Stephen King movies for $1,300 by Halloween.
Applications will be accepted at this link until October 8th, 2021 at 7 p.m. ET.
"In 2019, when we first launched this campaign, we received over 500,000 applications," says a Dish representative, "but of course The King of Horror has many loyal subjects, so we want to see who in 2021 is the most loyal—and fearless—as we celebrate his new chilling series Lisey’s Story and Chapelwaite and new book, Billy Summers.
Applicants must divulge why they want to be frightened this way in less than 200 words. For bonus points, they can include a video of why this is the dream job for them.
Whoever wins this scream job will not only get $1,300 to make up for all the nightmares, but will also receive a swag bag valued at $350 that includes the latest Fitbit.