As the pandemic reshapes some of our holiday celebrations, this could be a good time to start new traditions. Our Toy Insider Laurie Schacht said family games are a great way to bring everyone together. One of her favorites is Pretty Pretty Princess.
“All these jewels come in different colors", said Schacht. "So what you want to do it get the full set that is a single color. When you win you get to wear the crown and be the Pretty Pretty Princess.”
Some kids need to be a little more hands-on to stay entertained. The chocolate pen does exactly that. Plus, you can always use their creations for dessert since it’s all real chocolate.
"You can use the molds it comes with. You can also freestyle on wax paper and make words or names whatever you want.”
Looking for something a little more competitive. Plinko's the Price is Right game will make you feel like you're on the real television show.
This year some of us will be celebrating the holidays in person and others will be doing it virtually. Incoherent Family is a game that can be played no matter how you gather for the holidays.
And finally, LaserX is the ultimate game of laser tag if you want to just get the kids out of the house.
“There’s an active voice coach that will tell the kids get going, your winning, and load up. It keeps the action really fun and exciting.”