FORT MYERS, Fla. ---- The City of Fort Myers are investigating bacteria levels in Billy Creek which recent DNA sampling showed origins of the Enterococci bacteria.
Water samples from the creek were taken on April 17th and were sent to Source Molecular in Miami for further evaluation.
City officials confirming to FOX 4, test results indicated no human or ruminant DNA were found in any of the water samples collected at the four sample locations. However, low concentrations of bird DNA were found in the water sample collected at the downstream of the Ford Street Preserve. This was the only location tested where any DNA markers were found.
The Ford Street Preserve tested for the highest level of bacteria. Water samples showed, Ford Street Preserve did have a non-qualified detection of dog DNA.
Studies show that dog waste contains approximately four times the bacteria that human waste contains.
The testing results indicated that the bulk of the bacteria found may be from a vegetative source.
The city will continue monitoring reports to see if bacteria levels continue to reduce over time.