FORT MYERS, Fla. — Election day may be over but for those who have won the work is just beginning. Incumbent candidate Johnny Streets in Fort Myers declared victory over his opponent Anthony Thomas for the Ward 2 city council seat.
The race was closer than many anticipated with Thomas receiving nearly 40 percent of the votes.
Johnny Streets is no stranger to city hall as he has been the representative for ward 2 for over a decade. Still, this election was different.
"I've learned to be more humble, I’ve learned to be more patient, and I’ve learned to listen," said Streets.
Streets won his race with 63 percent of the vote, which was surprising as many didn't believe his opponent Anthony Thomas even stood a chance. The councilman feels Thomas’ personality politics played a role in this election.
With the election now behind Streets, he’s focused on the work that needs to be done in the city.
"My job is not to make an impression upon people. My job is to make an impact on people. Impressions? Okay, you look good. Impact? You got something done," said Streets.
The impact he has his sights set on? Homelessness in Fort Myers.
"We should have addressed this issue years ago like many other cities should have addressed this issue as opposed to kicking the can down the road," explained Streets.
In Fort Myers, many people experiencing homelessness were evicted form Centennial Park. This is an issue Streets believes relief organizations can solve.
"Why can’t FEMA say to Lee County, were going to have 'X' number of trailers that are reserved for situations for the homeless because I can tell you this, once that park is completed, people are going to return right back to the park," says Streets.
Now, with 13 years behind him and another four years on the horizon, Councilman Streets just wants the support of all people living in his district.
"I would say to those who voted for me, I am very, very humbled. I would say to those to the people that didn’t vote for me I will work for you just as hard as I will work for anybody else hoping that I can gain your trust," says Streets.
Streets and all newly elected officials for the Fort Myers City Council will be sworn in on November 16.