Despite challenges brought on by COVID-19, education remains a priority for over 65% of high school graduates heading to college. Yet, the reality for many students is that college affordability is a barrier to furthering their education. In fact, The Federal Reserve [] estimates that in quarter three of 2020, Americans owed more than $1.7 trillion in student loans — an increase of nearly 4% compared to quarter three of 2019. Whether you’re still in high school, a current undergrad trying to finish in time or an adult learner going back to school, it’s imperative to understand there are alternative paths to receiving college credit available today.
In response to this growing issue, Modern States [], a non-profit dedicated to making a college degree more affordable and accessible to everyone, offers alternative solutions to help pave the way to a college degree. The organization provides top quality online college courses taught by college professors for free that prepare students to take the corresponding CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams. CLEP is a College Board program enabling learners to earn free college credit at over 2,900 colleges and universities, from Ohio State to Morehouse. Modern States also pays the testing fee ($89) for learners who complete its courses.
Steve Klinsky, founder and CEO of Modern States, is available for live interviews to discuss the alternative paths to college and how his organization addresses the college affordability issue. He will also share some of the student success stories, as well as the path that led him towards education philanthropy.
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