Have you broken your New Year's resolution yet? If you have, you are not alone, research shows that 35% of those who make New Year’s resolutions will break them by the end of January and over 90 percent of us will lose our resolve well before the end of 2020. One of the top 5 resolutions that millions of us make every year, to spark change and increase our prosperity, is to save money – which is also, unfortunately, one of the top 5 of most commonly failed.
And, right now with the holiday hangover hitting – the decorations are down, the parties have ebbed, and the bills are rolling in – who can blame you for failing at resolving to save and get handle on your finances. But, the truth is – now is a great time to not only get out of debt, but really take control of your finances and start saving to achieve your financial goals.
In fact, even if you didn’t make this resolution on January 1 – now is the perfect time to reassess your finances and educate yourself on savings tactics to help you reach all your goals – from your next vacation, to a down payment on a home and all the way to retirement.