

Become Friends Again With Bank Of America!

Almost everyone has that friend who conveniently heads to the restroom when the check arrives at a group dinner, or regularly “forgets” his or her wallet on a coffee run claiming they’ll pick it up the next time, but never returns the favor. In fact, according to soon to be released data from Bank of America, money has a strong influence on our closest relationships – especially when it comes to unpaid debt – and creates feelings of awkwardness and stress.
While it’s no surprise owing or being owed money can put a serious strain on a relationship, unfortunately, more than half of Americans have seen a friendship end over debt. Fortunately, though, there are ways we can salvage a relationship before it goes south over money owed.  
To help us navigate these awkward financial situations and ignite a conversation with a friend or family member we’ve had a falling out with over IOUs, Dr. Melanie Ross Mills can guide us through those financial situations in a manner that doesn’t result in the termination of a friendship.