FORT MYERS, Fla. — For the 3rd year artists from across the world gathered at JetBlue park to show off their work for the Estero Fine Arts Show.
Many artists were excited as the pandemic has led to canceled art shows leaving them without a steady income.
"My livelihood for the past 18 years was in these shows in America," says artists Yorum Gal. "My studio in Israel which is a gallery also has been closed almost all the time since March. And it was selling paintings to the whole world."
That's why he calls today's show a success thanks to support from the community.
"I had wonderful sales, a beautiful audience that was surprisingly big and really interested. I think it's a combination of the hunger that people felt for many months," says Gal.
A deep desire, attendees like Imani Williams tell me, caused her to come to the art show searching for the perfect piece.
"It gives me hope. That you can put yourself out there and it be supported. And someone else can say I want this in my home I want this in the most intimate space," says Williams.