FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Heavy storms caused some minor damage in the Park Meadows area of Fort Myers Friday.
A Fort Myers family rushing for cover after mother nature pounded through the Park Meadows community of Fort Myers-leaving a trail of destruction.
Scary moments for Cicilia Pekar and her family as they didn't know what would happen to them.
"All of a sudden I saw that the fence was getting uplifted and I said, "run to the bathroom, run to the bathroom", so we all just barricaded ourselves in the bathroom." said Pekar.
Debris can be seen all over the neighborhood, from puddles of standing water to large tree branches hanging over fences and lying down in the street.
One 15 year homeowner, Francis Smith, will have to deal with a large tree drooping in her yard outside of her home.
"I didn't see the look of it, only saw the heavy rain and that the wind picked up but it sounded not like a train, but just a whirling sound, loud." said Smith.