

Sonic boom shatters truck window

PUNTA GORDA, FLa. -- If you've heard the loud booms over the last few days in Southwest Florida, you're not the only one wondering what it is. The Key West Naval Air Station tells me by phone its caused by jets flying overhead training on their way to the Gulf of Mexico causing a sonic boom. 
The boom blew out the rear view window to James Morgan's wife's new truck. "Never seen anything like this from a sonic boom," he says. "It just exploded. There was as much glass in the truck as there was outside of the truck," he said. 
Shards of glass are still outside. Pictures show sprinkled pieces of glass inside. Once the initial shock set in, "The reality set in. It came down to whose going to pay for this," said Morgan. After calling the Charlotte County Sheriffs Office and getting a case number with the officers signature, Morgan didn't know what to do. 
"Being at a loss of who to call when a sonic boom blows out your window, we called FOX news to see if we could get some help," said Morgan. He called us, so I picked up the phone and called the Homestead Air Reserve base where the planes took off to see if they'd take ownership of the damage. 
They wouldn't tell me if they'd pay for it but that Morgan would have to start with calling the Legal Department at the base. 
"Now we're stuck with the cost of a new window and she had to provide storage for the truck today considering the fact that the weather's bad and there was no back window in a new vehicle."