Bumps Stocks, the accessory the Las Vegas gunman used to modify his weapon have been a focus in the days since the shooting. Recently the NRA came out in support of tighter restrictions for bump stocks.
Fox 4 spoke with a Scott Mongeon who is working at the gun show this weekend. He explained that the accessory was initially created to assist gun users with disabilities. He also said that getting a bump stock changes the effectiveness of the weapon itself.
Mongeon also sp[oke about the "gun show loop-hole" that has been heavily discussed in the days since the shooting.
"If you do not have your concealed weapons permit, then you still have to wait the three days. In some counties in the state of Florida you have to wait five days", he said.
"So there is no coming in, hey I gotta buy a pistol, and then walking out with it the same day", Mongeon told Fox 4.
Other gun show organizers also said that they don't stock bump stocks because of how poorly they sell.