A mutated strain of lice has been spreading across the country, including Florida. The "super lice" has shown to be resistant to over-the-counter treatments, but the owners of Lice Wizards say their new salon in North Naples will do the job.
"Our treatment is all-natural, pesticide-free," said Lice Wizards co-owner Jennifer Eisenberg. "It slows down the lice, it breaks down the outer shell."
Eisenberg is certified in the Shepherd method of going through the hair, strand by strand. She said that's the best way to get rid of "super lice."
She said the scratchy pests are easy to spread.
"Shearing brushes - even being on the same car seat or couch that someone has been on that has it," Eisenberg said.
Even getting close to someone in order to take a selfie can transfer the tiny bugs, she said.
Since lice don't like the smell of mint, Lice Wizards offers a mint repellent spray.
"That's good to put on the kids every day before they go to school, even to go to birthday parties," Eisnberg said.
For more information about Lice Wizards, you can visit www.licewizards.com or call 239-465-2711.