

Lee County parents concerned over FSA testing da

LEE COUNTY, FL - The upcoming spring season means spring standardized tests are on the horizon for students across Lee county and southwest Florida.
But this year's FSA tests have some Lee county parents troubled about the timing. The standardized tests, now only in their second year of replacing the FCAT are scheduled for the week immediately following spring break for third and fourth graders.
Kelly Sigler and her 10 year old daughter Darien have been prepping for the FSA tests. But Sigler says she's worried the transition from spring break to standardized testing won't translate to the best score.
"To come back after that long break to be ready to go, especially after all that prepping that they did, you want them to be as prepared as possible," Sigler said.
For third grader who must pass to advance to the next grade, the stakes are even higher.
"As a parent. I want my daughter to do as best as she can do on that test. I dont want her to be stressed out," Sigler said.
Four In Your Corner reached out to Lee County Public Schools to find out why the tests were scheduled immediately after the break. Amity Chandler, a spokeswoman with the district tells Fox 4 the district set March 25th through April 4th as the spring break dates, eight months before the state released it's testing window which says 3rd and 4th graders must take their FSA exams between March 28th and April 8th.
The Lee County School District tried to get a waiver from the state to change the dates, but were denied.
Amity Chandler acknowledged the scheduling wasn't ideal, but cited some pluses, "attendance is always better after a break, students are rested, and the build up to test anxiety will be almost non existent."
But Sigler is concerned that kids won't be able to build up their confidence either, "I think they should give the kids a little more time to jump back into their A game."
Although the state denied the Lee County School District's request to change the testing dates, the state did provide some wiggle room for those who need to retake the reading or math FSA. That deadine is Friday April 15th, the second week after kids get out of spring break.