CAPE CORAL, Fla -- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held a news conference Tuesday to address the community spread of COVID-19 and the spike the state is seeing.
Then in a follow-up news conference of their own, Florida Senate Democrats argued he didn't promise any real solutions.
One of the arguments brought up during this news conference, was why the state isn’t stricter restriction as the numbers continue to rise.
"We're at the epicenter of the COVID crisis. The governor's current message, what was it? That it's fine and we have an explosion of cases because they are mainly young people?" asked Senator Janet Cruz.
During his news conference in Orlando, Governor DeSantis said the Department of Business and Professional Regulation will be cracking down on businesses not complying with capacity limitations and social distancing.
But when it comes to Florida's steady spike, Florida Senate Democrats say there was quote "no plan of action." They suggested the need for things like a statewide mandate on wearing a mask.
"Young people don't live in this young person bubble. If we don't make sure people who are getting this and catching this sickness wear a mask and don't mandate it like we're mandating that the secretary go and close down nightclubs...we will never get out of this,” said Senator Oscar Braynon.
Senator Cruz argued the governor didn't do enough to address the spike in cases amongst young people, and challenged DeSantis to look parents in the eye and tell them it's fine for their child to get infected. She specifically brought up the 17-year-old from Pasco County who recently died from the virus.