

Vandals break car windows, take off with purses

North Fort Myers residents wake up to shattered car windows and missing purses. 
The two victims lived next door to one another in the Calusa Woods neighborhood, and say they were targeted early Monday morning. 
"It's just so scary, waking up and there's glass everywhere" said Taylor Paquin. 
Her vehicle's passenger side window was smashed in, for what she believes was her purse she left inside. 
"I had a pink bag in the back seat in the middle and that was totally gone," said Paquin. "I'm scared to walk out here now."
She lives two houses down from a Lee County Deputy, who told Fox 4 his patrol car was parked outside when the incident happened. Paquin says she and her family were asleep when her car window was shattered. 
"My car was parked closest to the house as well as my neighbors car and we both had cars behind us,"said Paquin.
A black garbage back now covers her neighbor's car window; a visual reminder of the crime.
Fox 4 reached out to Taylor's neighbor, who didn't want to be identified, but says his wife's purse was taken from his vehicle. 
Authorities say these crimes of opportunity are a problem around Lee County. 
"Its usually in excess of 90% of our vehicle burglaries are from people who have left valuables in their car and left their car unlocked," said Dana Coston, Detective Sergeant Cape Coral Police. 
Paquin's now paying to patch up the damage left behind by the crooks and she's reminded that taking extra precautions, even in a seemingly quiet neighborhood, is always your best bet. 
"I tell her, like I used to tell my wife 'don't leave your purse in the vehicle!' It happens all the time," said Vincent Gonnelly," an Auto Glass Warehouse technician repairing Paquin's window. 
"Now I'm a little bit more aware not to leave my bag in the car," said Paquin.