

A Naples nonprofit sending aid to Haiti after Hurricane Matthew


NAPLES, Fla.-- Help for Haiti is a Naples based nonprofit that has helped Haitians in the southern part of the country for the past 27 years. The organization is now collecting items to send over to the country after Hurricane Matthew has left hundreds dead and thousands homeless. 

"We don't want Haiti to be forgotten, they are so close, it's just a tragic set of circumstances that it's in the hurricane path," said Hope for Haiti's chief donor of experience Stephanie Jepsen. 

In preparation for Hurricane Matthew the Naples based nonprofit made nearly 1000 emergency buckets filled with supplies like water purification tablets to help sustain a family of 5 for up to 5 days. 

"These include things like candles, matches, laundry detergent," said Jepsen. 

However, many Haitians are still completely cut off to any type of help. Video sent back to Hope for Haiti shows debris covering the roads, standing water and homes now down to the frame. 

"So our team is really in like rapid response mode at this point, some of our longer term development projects are going to be put on hold until we can have a better sense of what our partners need in the long run," said Jepsen. 

The group isn't planning on sending any volunteers over just yet, but they do plan to airlift donations in the coming weeks. 

"We want to make sure they have the tools to recover and the relief supplies," said Jepsen. 


If you are interested in making a donation: CLICK HERE

For more information about Hope for Haiti: CLICK HERE