

Scam Warning: Unsolicited texts from SunTrust


LEE COUNTY, Fla. -- Scammers trying to steal your money; it seems to be happening more than ever. Some of you reached out to Fox 4 about some weird text messages you've been getting, wondering if they could be criminal activity.

Pull out your cell phone and check your texts.  Got one claiming to be SunTrust Bank? Delete it! It's a scam.

Four in Your Corner checked with SunTrust Bank, who sent us this statement:  "This is a fraudulent scam that is an industry-wide issue and not unique to us. Fraudsters randomly contact individuals, hoping to reach some actual clients of the institution they happen to be using. We advise our clients that we will not contact them asking for sensitive personal or account information."

A spokesperson with the Lee County Sheriff's Office tells Fox 4 that three people have called them about the texts on Tuesday alone.  "Anytime you receive a text or an email or a phone call that claims to be from your bank, hang up --  don't respond.  Find the phone number on the back of your card and call the financial institution yourself," says Beth Schell.

Many of the people receiving that text aren't even SunTrust Bank customers.