FORT MYERS, Fla, -- It's the movement taking over social media. Women across the nation have been using the hashtag "Me Too" to tell their personal stories of sexual harassment in the workplace. Victims in Southwest Florida joined in.
State Representative Heather Fitzenhagen took to Twitter to use the hashtag and add "I've had personal experiences, it was many years ago."
Executive Director of the Abuse and Counseling Treatment Center, Jennifer Benton, explained that most women tend to come forward years later. She says the workplace tends to limit women in speaking up.
“People are afraid to speak up because they’re afraid of getting fired," she said. "“I know. It’s a very tough thing and it takes a very strong person to speak up and say no. I’m not going to allow this to happen."
However, she says it's speaking up that is vital to making a change and there are plenty of support and resources for victims to lean on.
"Speaking up is important. Because you have to stop that person, because there may be somebody that will be taking that position after you and the same thing is going to happen to them."
If you or someone you know is involved in a domestic or sexual violence/harassment situation, they can call the 24/7 ACT hotline at (239) 939-3112.