

Bear caught on camera in Immokalee

Residents say bears are a common sight in Immokale

While video of a bear rummaging through trash behind a home in Immokalee may surprise you, it's almost an everyday occurrence for the kids who live off Taylor Terrace.

"I saw two cubs and a mom and it got close to my house," said Don Ruiz.

Ruiz and his friends believe more than one bear is roaming through the neighborhood.  There is a hole in a fence and scratch marks on a tree.

"It goes in our backyard and tears up our yard," said Brianna Amador.

Bears seem to have made themselves at home in Immokalee, the city's name literally translates to "my home."

Vincent Reza remembers seeing a bear scamper across Main Street two years ago.

"At first it started running from the high school and the middle school, then it went to second street and got on top of the tree here."

People living here may be partially to blame, trash was spotted in the area where this video was taken Sunday morning.

"The person right there, he mostly every day has to pick up his trash and pick up his trash can," said Amador.

Ruiz says bringing the trash cans inside at night hasn't prevented the bears from going away.

"We did but one day he jumped over the gate, I came out and I was scared."

FWC says bears can smell food from a mile away.

The best way to keep them at bay is store your trash can in a shed, or buy bear resistant ones.

If you see a bear make plenty of noise and the animal should go away, or you can call the wildlife alert hotline at 888-404-FWCC.