NORTH PORT, Fla. — The Fire Chief of the City of North Port has determined that an Extraordinary Fire Hazard exists due to extreme drought conditions and the threat of wildfire, therefore effective immediately an Outdoor Burning Ban is enacted within the City limits.
This Outdoor Burning Ban will remain in place until rescinded.
PHOTOS: Massive fire in Golden Gate
The citywide, Outdoor Burn Ban prohibits all outdoor burning that has not been specifically permitted by the Florida Forest Service.
Bonfires, campfires, and the burning of vegetative (yard) debris are not allowed at this time.

Outdoor cooking fires in approved grills such as; gas or charcoal BBQ grills are permitted however extreme caution is urged.
Fire pits/cooking pits are not permitted.
Please also take precautions with parking cars in tall grass, carelessly tossing a lighted cigarette, or even hitting a rock or other object while using a lawnmower.
Citizens are encouraged to inform each other of the ban to help prevent a fire during this time of extreme drought.

Present conditions in the State and local region:
• The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) indicates that the area is 3.49 inches short of average rainfall for the year to date 2021.
• That within the City of North Port the Drought Index that measures moisture in the vegetation is up to 632 on the Keetch Byram Drought Index (KBDI) scale of 0-800.
• Fire Index for the City of North Port area has been consistent between High and Very High on the Fire Danger Index (FDI).
• There is no precipitation of significance forecasted in the short term that would alleviate these conditions.