

Walgreens to begin stocking opioid overdose-reversing drug Narcan

The drug will be available without a prescription

National pharmacy chain Walgreens announced on Tuesday that it will begin stocking Narcan, which is a drug that is used to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses, at all of its 8,000 locations. 

Tuesday's announcement comes nine months after Walgreens said it was working to have naloxone available without a prescription at all of its locations. 

The company said that the drug is administered by nasal spray, and can be used in the event of an overdose to reverse the effects of opioid drugs. Walgreens said that Amerisource-Bergen has distributed Narcan demo devices to Walgreens pharmacists for use in instructing patients on how to administer the medication. 

Walgreens added that patients will be instructed to call 911 and seek medical attention after administration of the drug. 

“By stocking Narcan in all our pharmacies, we are making it easier for families and caregivers to help their loved ones by having it on hand in case it is needed,” said Rick Gates, Walgreens group vice president of pharmacy. “As a pharmacy we are committed to making Narcan more accessible in the communities we serve.”

According to the CDC, 33,000 people died in 2015 from opioid overdoses.